If your life is not perfect, this is for you.If you have ever been disappinted, this is for you.
If you sometimes have bad hair days, this is for you.
If you have dreamed a big dream and then watched it fall apart, this is for you.
If you are a human in a fallen world, this is for you.
So what do we do then? Is it even possible to live with joy, resilience and strength in this broken world?
Is it easy? Nope. Nothing worthwhile is.
Tired! Depressed! Anxious! Frustrated! Broken! The labels stick to our hearts, covering our identities until we can not see who we are anymore.
You can get yourself a small room in a new city where no one knows your name just yet, but they will, for they will see you walk quietly through the market on Sunday mornings, and sitting at the cafe on Tuesdays scribbling thoughs in that worn out notebook or in the library between the shelves of different worlds and late on Friday evenings you will sit peacefully in the corner of the pub by yourself and you will be okay with that.
Some nights beautiful boys will buy you drinks and ask your name, and you will smile, but be okay with walking home alone because one day, someone will know you without asking your name, and that is the person that matters.
Wait a few years, when things are clearer, and you will go on well. Just hold on and wait. You will be okay.
Αποσπάσματα από το βιβλίο ''You're doing just fine'' της Charlotte Eriksson
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